Premium Tatkal Booking IRCTC Train Guide

Premium Tatkal Train Tickets are like Tatkal Tickets. Premium Tatkal (PT) was introduced by IRCTC last year in order to get train ticket on the last minute. Booking  Premium Tatkal (PT) will be much costlier than Tatkal due to dynamic fare pricing (i.e.) the ticket price will be varied according to the booking rate & seat available. So if you want to book premium Tatkal train tickets for less money then, checkout the below steps to Premium Tatkal train tickets booking.

How to Book Premium Tatkal Train Ticket Faster:

If you are going to book premium Tatkal train ticket tomorrow. We highly recommend you checkout the Premium Tatkal(PT) train List Because all the trains doesn’t have premium Tatkal (PT) facility. Premium special trains are introduced in all major popular railway station in India like Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai etc… To reduce your money you need book the ticket at a faster rate.

Pune Railway station Ticket Counter
Pune Railway station Ticket Counter

Checkout: Premium Tatkal Train List 2015 – Updated

Premium Tatkal Train Ticket Booking Timings:

Premium Tatkal train ticket will get opened as like Tatkal Tickets. 10.00 A.M In the morning. It would be better you singed at 9.55 A.M. so when you enter the process it will be exactly 10.

Follow the steps for booking your Premium Tatkal Train Ticket.

Steps for booking Premium Tatkal Train:

Step #1: Log in IRCTC Application with your User name & Password

Step #2: Now select “Plan My Travel”. Enter the From & To Station

Step #3: Now select the Date of Journey & ticket type (i.e.) where e-ticket/i-ticket

Step #4: Click on Submit button & Trains will be listed out in the table

Step #5:  After select the option Premium Tatkal(PT) on the radio button. Now the special trains will be listed which has premium Tatkal facility.

Step #6: Select the train & book the ticket faster in order to avoid dynamic pricing. If you have booked at the starting point of time, then ticket rate will be less since you are the first person to book the premium ticket. So book your premium trains as book

Step #7: After selecting train. Fill the Passenger details & pay the money through net banking. Since Credit or debit cards will take some time. Net banking would be processed at higher rate.

Step #8: That’s it you have booked the Premium Tatkal Train Ticket.

Take Printout before you step into train. Happy Journey.

Comment us how much you paid for your premium Tatkal ticket. So that it might be helpful for the people to know the approximate fare for booking. Thanks in advance. Do let us know if you face any trouble in booking premium Tatkal tickets.

Also See:

51 thoughts on “Premium Tatkal Booking IRCTC Train Guide”

  1. Premium tickets must have on every trains. It will be very good for the people who want to travel in emergency situation.

  2. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    We will post your suggestion on the railway budget forum. Thanks for commenting 🙂

  3. Irctc android app has no such option of PT. Also ticket can’t be booked between 8- 12 AM.

  4. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    I don’t think IRCTC android app would be best way for booking Premium Tatkal train ticket. Please try booking in IRCTC Portal

  5. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    It will be acting as like Tatkal.(i.e) for the next day travel, premium Tatkal tickets will be opened previous day 🙂

  6. Please tell, If Premium Tatkal is also opening on the previous day, same time as Tatkal, then could your please tell me What is the difference between Tatkal and Premium Tatkal?

  7. Whether Premium Tatkal booking is available only with online or can we book PT tickets at railway counter?

  8. Sheikh Anwar Hussain

    showing status as available but not giving the option for booking 😀 what the hell is this? making some kind of joke?

  9. There are no reserved tickets for premium Tatkal tickets. As a result we can’t book premium reserved Tatkal tickets at all. You can book only before day of journey that too only few trains have this Premium Tatkal facility.

  10. I want to book Premium Tatkal and Please tell me how much it will increased from tatkal ticket.


    I tried so many times for Premium Tatkal but it was always show booking not allowed even at 10:00 hours a day before train schedule and I tried too at IRCTC official portal Web. So I request you to kindly help me. Tried for Paschim Superfast
    From Panipat to Bharuch. Even tried for end to end location. Kindly help and suggest for how to book PT.


  12. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Both are same. But Premium trains are fast Express rail service by Indian Railways which is operated only in busiest routes. Also the pricing fare is like dynamic pricing as like flight tickets.

  13. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    You can book the Premium Tatkal train tickets at reservation counter also.

  14. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    What issues you are facing while booking for Premium Tatkal booking train?

  15. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    It is just like flight fare. If people are rushing at last minute then ticket will be doubled. some time much higher than that. Approximately it will 2 X Tatkal ticket rate.

  16. Do the fare of first PT ticket is same as tatkal ticket?
    In this case we can directly try for premium tatkal first rather than trying first for tatkal and in case of failure switch to PT.

  17. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    PT train tickets fare higher than tatkal tickets like triple or double the amount spent for Tatkal Ticket. Also all the trains will not have Premium Tatkal facility, only in the busiest route you can book your premium tatkal tickets.

  18. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    There might be some problem with the portal. Post a complaint to the IRCTC customer care.

  19. I can’t find Book now option in premium Tatkal. It is only showing 154 tickets Available . How to book the premium Tatkal train ticket?

  20. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Once tatkal booking gets over, Premium tatkal booking starts immediately after the same. You need to wait until that to book your Premium Tatkal Train ticket.

  21. Premium Tatkal should be introduced to all the trains. so that people can have option to choose the suitable train for them.

  22. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Thanks Suraj for your valuable suggestion. Sure we will post your suggestion to next railway budget.

  23. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    It works for everybody we are not sure why it’s not working for you. Please try with different credentials for booking Premium Tatkal train tickets.

  24. I Just have booked Premium Tatkal ticket by Irctc e ticket 11:00 am . Now again I need to Change boarding point but not there is no option for the same So Now how can I change boarding point. I couldn’t able to cancel the train ticket because I will not any refund if i cancel Premium Tatkal ticket

  25. During tatkal booking time, there are many people booking and the system is getting very slow. Is there any way to book tatkal ticket as soon as possible.

  26. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    IRCTC has increased the servers. So I hope now the speed has been improved compared to previous year. You can magic auto fill chrome extension which fill automatically all details like your name ,age, gender , bank details etc.. with a single click. Try with that sure you will book tatkal ticket asap. all the best to book your premium Tatkal booking.

  27. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    We could see Premium tatkal/tatkal radio button (which is located near the General radio button) on IRCTC Website. If you still can’t find then try Ctrl + F and find the Premium tatkal radio button.

  28. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Premium Tatkal train ticket is based on dynamic pricing. so we can’t say the approximate price for booking your train tickets. It may varied based on time, number of people booking and other factors.

  29. I wanted to book a Premium tatkal ticket a day before as the normal tatkal was full. Train No. 11077 Jhelum from Pune to Agra for travel on 19-Jan-2017, and it is showing me the availability also (actual, not the full allocated quota), but when I tried to book on IRCTC website, it is saying ‘Booking not allowed’ as soon as I clicked on the respective class. Not sure why it is not allowing.

    I tried calling customer care service of IRCTC also but I felt the customer service of IRCTC has also worsened. After 15-20 tries finally my call got connected, but the executive was not able to help. Then he said he will transfer my call to his senior, and as soon as he did, the other side went silent. Nobody spoke for 6-7 mins and then finally after frustration I disconnected the call from my end.

    So I couldn’t figure out why it is not allowing me to book Premium Tatkal ticket.

  30. मारुती कुमार

    क्या 10-12 दिन पहले PT ले सकत हे ।

  31. I am trying to book a premium tatkal ticket for the following day but i’m unable to do so. It says booking not allowed. Please help me

  32. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Premium Tatkal booking is allowed on/after 10:00 hrs. If you try before 10:00 hrs then it will say “Booking Not Allowed”

  33. I need to book Premium Train and Is there is any Premium Tatkal train available from NDLS to GWL?

  34. why can’t railways be privatised? i damn sure railways never and cannot improve. day by day travellers are increasing in exponentially but fecilities provided by railways are remains same. Like telecommunication, if GOVT not privatised, we would not have got the cellphone either.

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