CNF in IRCTC is a short of form of Confirm. If you got a CNF in train ticket, then current status of the ticket is confirm& you are ready to travel on the reserved date. In short it generally refers to the reservation status of the train ticket while booking. You got various number of reservation status like IRCTC CNF which are described in detail below
What is CNF in IRCTC& CNF Meaning [Indian Railways]:
CNF means a Confirmed Ticket. You can board the train with a confirmed ticket. It also means that your previously RAC /WL etc. ticket is now confirmed. As said earlier there are other type of reservation status in IRCTC.

When CNF Status is allotted for Train Ticket:
When very few seats are available, then IRCTC don’t allocate berth at the time. Instead of that it gives you the currentstatus as CNF which means your berth/seat is confirmed, but the exact berth number will be allocated only after the chart preparation. This happens because IRCRC have few berths available here and there so it’s very hard for the algorithm or the program to find the right choice for the senior & ladies berth allocation.
When CNF Status with berth Number allotted?
During Chart preparation it is very easy that your CNF changes with exact berth number because more number of train ticket will be cancelled at the time. So that they can fill all the berths available on the train.Now all the CNF Status (i.e.) confirmed ticket will get the berth number in trains. If you want to know more about the chart preparation the checkout the information Chart Preparation Time Details.
So when People boarding into the train then they may look for the exact berth number after chart Preparation and Now thetrain ticket will be confirmed with CNF Status & berth Number. So that you can travel in train without going to waiting list. If your train ticket is on waiting ticket. Make sure your tickets gets confirmed to CNF status before boarding into train
Other Reservation Status Details:
They are given below. Click on the link if you need to get more information on status.
- RAC – Reservation Against Cancellation
- W/L – Wait Listed
- GNWL – General Waiting List
- PQWL – Pooled Quota Waiting List.
- RLWL – Remote Location Waiting List.
- RSWL – Road Side Waiting list.
The seats of the Indian train is divided into quotas; Maximum number of seats are allotted to general quota where the reservation can be book before three to four months. And these general quota is allotted maximum number of seat from source to destination stations.
Post us on comments if you got any quires on Confirmed reservation status of the train ticket. We will revert as soon as possible.
If I book 2 tickets in 2 AC & I get CNF in the ticket without mentioning the bogey/berth no so this means I am going to get 2 confirmed tickets in 2 AC. Or Is it that I can get berths in any class ? & If so, will the refund the balance amount?
Is it possible that my CNF status can turn into General Waiting list?
Don’t worry Mehta 🙂 CNF is confirmed tickets. No way it will turn into General waiting list. Berth Number will be allotted only during chart preparation
Excellent site.
All the details are in a simple language that everyone can understand very easily.
Hats Off to you.
Thanks Renganathan. Keep following us and share with your friends.
I have booked a train ticket from SBC to NLR and the PNR 4841155977 on 28/6/2016 with two berths confirmed and two berths with RLWL 1, 2 . There is no improvement in these two berths even after nearly 3 months ! Will these RLWL ticket will get confirmed or what should i want to do now?
When we did quick analysis with your PNR Number. Still there are high probability for Confirmation Chances. You may wait for some time still. So that all your ticket will get confirmed. I mean it will be in CNF Status.
Hi, i booked 2 tickets in 2A class from Secunderabad to Pune where in one ticket status is CNF and another is RAC, CNF status i got to know from your blog. But i want to understand RAC status ticket will get confirm? if it gets confirmed, will it be on same berth or gets change?
PNR: 4224908429, Train No: 12726 DOJ: 19-10-2016 From HRR to SBC, Ticket is in CNF status but they didn’t alloted any berth or seat no. When i will get confirmation about my berth and seat no. Because before travelling one day if i get confirmation about the Berth and seat no means it will be well and good because train is in early morning. So please suggest how fast can i get the confirm seats?
Santhosh, I could see your ticket status in waiting list and if it CNF your ticket is confirmed and you will get the berth and train coach information once the chart is prepared.
If your Train ticket is in CNF status, it mean that its confirmed. RAC its like 2 passengers will sharing the single seat. So if it gets confirmed you will get separate berth for the same. I will give an idea if its not confirmed. Speak to TTR and give the Confirm berth to RAC fellow and you an other people share the seat.