To book your Tatkal train you need to know Tatkal Time (i.e.) when the IRCTC Website will be up for booking Tatkal Tickets. Because IRCTC Websites have specific time to book the Tatkal ticket Online. More tatkal Tickets are getting reserved in IRCTC. Since people who missed their train ticket to book on advance reservation period and the people whose train ticket status are in waiting list. They book Tatkal Ticket. Here is an ultimate guide to tell you the IRCTC tatkal timings for booking to your journey. so that you can book easy and faster.
Checkout : Tatkal Quota Ticket Charges

IRCTC Tatkal Booking Timings – Train Ticket:
In the Initial days the Advance Reservation Period (ARP) of Tatkal scheme is two days. But later they have reduced from two days to one day excluding the day of journey from the train originating Station. Also Initially, the Tatkal quota booking for the trains will be opened at early morning 8:00 A.M IST . But now the timings of the Tatkal quota has been entirely changed from 2014. You can find the updated or changed Tatkal Timings details below.
Check out : IRCTC Normal Online Ticket booking Timings
IRCTC Tatkal Booking Time:
Here are the details to book your tatkal train ticket on time. In the below table, you can find the Start and end time of the tatkal ticket booking. Also we have indicated the Peak timings where people will rush to book their e-tickets in Online. In Morning 10.00 – 11.00 A.M it’s a peak time. you need to book your ticket within that range or else you may not able to book it.
Ticket Type | Tatkal Ticket |
Start Time | 10.00 AM |
End Time | Full day |
Peak time | 10.00 – 11.00 A.M |
When you can book? | 10.00 – 10.10 A.M |
* Note all the timings are Indian Standard Time(05:30) [IST]
From my experience I found the all the tatkal tickets will be sold in ten minutes from opened time. So it’s very difficult to book an tatkal e-tickets on that timings. But we suggest you to follow some tricks to book the tatkal tickets. Before you book the Tatkal Tickets we highly recommend to checkout an article on “Tips for Tatkal Ticket booking Online & Faster”.
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I want to go samalkot Jn (SLO).Which train is eligible for premium tatkal booking ? Gautami express is eligible for Premium tatkal?
Please check out the list of Premium Tatkal trains that have PT quota facility.
Thanks for the information on Tatkal booking time. I have booked a Premium tatkal and What is the cancellation Policy for Premium Tatkal train ticket ?
Please check out the Premium Tatkal IRCTC guide for the Cancellation Policy