Change Boarding Point Online after train booking [2021]

Change Boarding Station after booking ticket is easy now. In India, Railway Passengers usually book the tickets either in train ticket counters or online. For the reserved tickets, Now IRCTC allows the passenger to do boarding station modification either offline or online. If you are looking for a railway boarding point change after ticket booking or after chart preparation, then you are at the right place. Here is an ultimate train travel guide that provides detailed rules, information & steps to change boarding points for one person to multiple persons who involved with you on your train journey.

Change Boarding Station Online [How To]

Initially, railway passengers were modifying their departure station only through railway reservation counters. Even for online booked e-tickets, they were changing it only through ticket counters because they were no option or feature to modify it on IRCTC Website or the IRCTC Mobile app. In fact, this was one of the most awaited features for railway passengers. Finally, the day has come and the IRCTC has rolled out the feature to modify the boarding point. Yeah! The Indian Railway has extended the process of boarding Station Change to Online. (i.e.) As Part of the IRCTC Website digital modernization, they brought this feature. The speciality of this feature, after ticket booking, the IRCTC user can able to modify their departure station instantly by logging into the Website and they change boarding after chart preparation or before 24 hours

[alert-success]For Quick users : Login > Booked Ticket History > Change Boarding Point > Select New Boarding Station[/alert-success]

Change boarding Station is now easy than before. There are various ways to modify boarding railway stations. Based on your train ticket booking, you must choose the right one among them. (i.e) If you have booked in IRCTC Website/ IRCTC online then we recommend you to change boarding point online, similarly, if you have booked at counters we would highly recommend changing it Online. Because even for the counter reserved ticket we have provision to change boarding Station Online

Before proceeding to update the boarding station for e-tickets we highly recommend you to checkout Prerequisite & boarding Point rules which are given below.

Prerequisite things Needed:

  • To modify the departure railway station on your train ticket online, you must have booked your train ticket as an e-ticket Online.
  • You must have IRCTC Credentials and they should be active.

Based on the mode of train ticket booking the procedures & steps to change boarding station Online. (i.e) You might have booked your train ticket either offline or in Online by the following ways

  • IRCTC Website – Online Train Ticket Booking
  • IRCTC Mobile App – Train Ticket Booking – Online
  • PayTM Online Ticket Booking – Third Party Website
  • Railway Reservation Counters

Note: The new boarding station update can be done for all above ticket bookings (i.e.) Irrespective of the modes of your journey ticket booking. The below steps are for the people, who have already booked their e-tickets on IRCTC Website. (i.e.) Change Boarding Station, after ticket booking.

On IRCTC Website

Most of the Indian railway passengers are predominantly using the IRCTC Website to reserve train tickets online which is called “e-tickets”. If you reserved your train ticket on IRCTC Website (i.e) “e-ticket” and if you looking for an e-ticket boarding point change then you must follow the steps given below

IRCTC Boarding Point Change – Online

  1. For Login into IRCTC Website with your username & password.
  2. Navigate to My Account > My Transactions > Booked Ticket History
  3. Select the train ticket to change the boarding Station and Click on the Change Boarding Point button.
  4. A window pop-up will appear with the list of stations with station train timings on the train route, choose your new desired boarding point (i.e) This station selected here will be the new boarding point from where you can board the train.
  5. On Selecting the New Boarding Station, the system will ask for confirmation. Click on “Ok” to confirm & change the boarding point.
  6. Once the IRCTC boarding station Changed, a success alert message will appear on IRCTC Website & also you will receive and confirmation message for the boarding station update to your registered IRCTC Mobile Number.

On IRCTC Mobile App

The young Indian railway passengers book their train journey tickets through the Official IRCTC Mobile App Online which is called “m-tickets”. If you are one among them and if you have booked your upcoming train ticket on the IRCTC Mobile app. In real-time we have not performed this, If you have updated the boarding point on the IRCTC Mobile app in real-time, then we would recommend you to comment out/ write to us on the same. So that we can able to add it up in this article which might helpful for mobile app users. Follow the below instruction for the Change boarding station update on IRCTC Mobile App.

Boarding Station Change – IRCTC Mobile App – Online

  1. Log in using your User ID and Password on IRCTC Mobile App
  2. Visit “My Account”
  3. Go to “My Transactions”
  4. Go to “Transactions History” or “Booked Ticket History”
  5. Select on the particular booked to modify boarding station
  6. For that ticket, You can find options like Cancel ticket, boarding change, get PNR Status, SMS, etc… Click on Boarding Station Change button & Click “Ok” for Confirmation
  7. That’s it! You Alternative boarding station got updated and you will receive the confirmation to your registered mobile number.

On Counter Tickets/PNR Number

Still, half of the train passengers from young to old people are using reservation counter to book the reserved & unreserved train tickets for long-distance trains. For short-distance trains, most of the people are using railway counters to book their local suburban tickets. You can able to change the boarding station of the counter ticket Online. (i.e) Change Boarding Point with PNR Number If you have booked your train ticket at reservation counters, then you must follow the steps given below to change the boarding station in counter tickets.

Change Boarding Station With PNR Number for Counter Ticket– Online/ Offline

  1. Navigate to the Official IRCTC Page for Changing Boarding Point Ticket Online using your PNR Number
  2. Select the Transaction Type option as ‘Boarding Point Change’.
  3. Enter PNR Number and Train number along with Captcha.
  4. Select the check box to confirm that rules and procedures are read.
  5. Click on submit, an OTP will be sent to the mobile number given at the time of booking
  6. Enter the received OTP and click submit.
  7. After the OTP is validated, Your PNR details will be displayed on the screen.
  8. Once you have verified the details on the screen, then select the new boarding station from the boarding point list and then click Submit.
  9. That’s it. Boarding Point Change in Counter Ticket has been completed & PNR Details with New Boarding Point will be displayed on the screen

Train boarding change Application – Offline: This was one of the traditional methods to update the boarding station. We are not sure still follow this process. The Traditional method process is to fill the train boarding change application and submit it to the station master before 24 hrs of your travel. The railway station master will approve the same. You can download the railway application from the below link

Download train boarding change application

For One Passenger

Are you train journey with grouped tickets (i.e.) Single E-Ticket with Multiple passengers are travelling with you on the Journey. More than one passenger is travelling with you and you want to change boarding station for one passenger out of two or three or many. If you are looking to update the boarding point for 1 passenger then you are at the right place

Change Boarding Point for One Person Out of [Many] :

Currently, no such facility to update a particular person boarding point Online is available on IRCTC Website. The Other passengers on the train ticket who boards the train from the original boarding station and can inform the TTE / Train Conductor about the journey partner/passenger are boarding at the XYZ Station. But Make he is travelling with your ticket details. so that he doesn’t allow it to clear RAC.


  • For e-tickets, you must change the boarding station online, before 24 hours of the scheduled departure of the train.
  • After your ticket booked, the boarding point change is accepted only once at both the reservation counter & online.
  • Online Boarding Point change is not allowed for the PNRs with the VIKALP option & i-Tickets
  • In case, if a railway passenger has changed his/her boarding station, they can’t board the train from the original railway station.
  • If you board from the original railway departure point even after the change, then he/she might need to pay a penalty for the same. The Penalty will be between the original boarded railway station to changed railway points.
  • Boarding point change of counter ticket would be allowed till charting.

The story behind this article: If you are more curious to know how this article has evolved then you can read this story. In 2010, I went Personal Goa Trip with my friends on Train. To return back to native, we have already reserved our train tickets online from Goa. We rented the car near Madgaon Railway station. To board the train back, We don’t want to back to Goa again. So we want to change Boarding point immediately to Madgaon Railway Station In Goa. Being a travel blogger, When I searched in Online and railway forums. We don’t find any Proper answer to alter the boarding station. It was very difficult for us to change the boarding station at the time. So I thought to write an article which might help the train passengers like me who wants to do the same.

Is changing boarding point affect ticket confirmation chances?

Yes, Might be. We are not 100% sure on how the IRCTC ticket Confirmation algorithm works.

Can I Change Boarding Station of One Passenger Out of Many ?
Can one passenger change the boarding point with the same PNR on an E ticket?

No Such Facility is available in IRCTC Online/Offline to modify for One Passenger. But, Ideally, the other passenger who travels with you can inform TTR that he/she will be boarding in Next Station. Before informing TTR, the train passenger should make sure the co-passenger name exist with the same PNR train ticket.

How many times we can update boarding station in e-ticket ?

After your ticket booking, both in Online & Offline, Only One we can update the new boarding railway stations. But during your ticket booking you can change it to Multiple times.

Can I board train after two stations ?
Can we claim/Refund the amount for not travelling in those stations ?

To board after two stations, you need to update to a new boarding station.
No Claim/Refund will be provided from IRCTC boarding point Change

Can I board train before 2 Stations ?

You can’t board before two stations. It will consider as Travel without a ticket and a penalty will be charged for the same. But there is an alternate option to do it. We would recommend you to get the unreserved train ticket and you can travel on the unreserved coach on the train for that two stations alone and then you can switch to the original coach that you have booked

How can I change my boarding station offline?

Yeah! You can do it by filling the change boarding station application letter & give the same to the station master. If it’s an e-ticket then we recommend carrying an ID card with you. But we request no to waste time, you can do it online with simple steps which are given above in detail.

Here I have written my experience and steps for changing the boarding point. If you feel that this article would help for frequent train passengers then we would recommend you to share this article/post with your friends on your social media profile.

Thanks in advance for sharing this article. Have a great & safe journey a head 🙂

151 thoughts on “Change Boarding Point Online after train booking [2021]”

  1. You can now change boarding station online – look at booked tickets and at the bottom you get the option to change boarding station


    Thanks for sharing such an useful information. I have changed my boarding point in the nearest railway station.

  3. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    You need to go to nearest railway station reservation counter & change boarding point

  4. It’s possible there is a option for changing boarding point go to home then click on booked tickets select the ticket which you want to change down there is option to change boarding point that’s it you are done 😉

  5. Vola ! I have alter my boarding station to new railway station near to my uncle home 🙂 your article made it easy 🙂

  6. Even though the option is given at the bottom of the BOOKED TICKET HISTORY to change the BOARDING POINT, it may show in the latest printed ticket as BOOKED OLD BOARDING POINT’s name only – even after changing the boarding point in an above-said manner. On inquiry it was found that the updated information will be available for printing sake – only after the chart is prepared., that is well before 4 hours of departure. But to be on the safer side it is always better to approach a nearby railway reservation counter to avoid any untoward unpleasant incident during the travel period. Thank you.

  7. Durgesh Vuppuluri

    I’ve changed the boarding at nearest reservation counter, but in PNR status it’s showing the original boarding point. What should I do.

  8. Thanks for sharing 🙂 ! You pictorial representation was really helpful for us to change boarding station quick in online

  9. We are very happy to see that Indian Railway has launched a new update to modify the boarding point online after train ticket booking 🙂

  10. Wonderful Article ! Crisp & Clear for changing new boarding station after online booking. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  11. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Thanks, Krishaveni for the additional input for changing the boarding station:) Updated Boarding Point information on e-ticket only after the chart preparation(i.e) before 4 hours of departure

  12. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    When you Change new boarding point in Online or at reservation counter. It will get updated in the database. Only after chart preparation the selected new boarding station in train ticket. You no need to worry about it 🙂 Once you change new boarding point it will get automatically reflected.

  13. Ashwani Kumar Singh

    Thanks so much for your valuable help ! I have modified the boarding station for my train ticket in IRCTC website

  14. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Only if you have booked train ticket it will show the information. Also it will show only train tickets that you are going to travel in future date. The past journey railway tickets booked are getting erased from booking History due to the batch job running in IRCTC now.

  15. My reservation e-ticket has two persons under one PNR. However, I need to change the boarding point for only one person and the Other passenger boarding point need not be changed. Is this possible on the IRCTC webs site, please clarify?

  16. Will you please explain how to change the boarding point through the android irctc app? There’s no such option. even we can’t see on desktop also?

  17. Please add a point that once you change a Boarding point while booking a ticket or after booking a ticket. It will not allow you again to do it, so its just one time activity as of now. I have booked a ticket and while booking a aticket only I changed my Boarding point. Now just for fun I was trying to change it again and see what happens, and website showed a message saying Boarding point has already been changed. So guys whoever is doing it please make sure you really gonna board the train there, else it wont allow you again to Change it.



  19. HI, I booked my ticket through IRCTC Connect Android app. Now I want to change my boarding station. I am unable to find an option in the app. Can you please tell how I can change my boarding. It’s urgent.

  20. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    You can log into the IRCTC Web portal and change boarding point on the booked ticket history page.

  21. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    No it’s possible to change boarding point for one person alone. You can try with nearest Railway station for modifying boarding point !

  22. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    In IRCTC app, you will not find option for changing boarding point 🙂 Login to IRCTC website with the user id & Pwd and modify boarding point in booked ticket history Page.

  23. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Thanks Sanjay for sharing your experience and appreciating your helping mind 🙂 sure We will update that in the article

  24. vivek chaudhary

    Thanks a was great piece of information..and really helpful for me to change boarding point Online in 2 seconds..:)

  25. Thanks a lot for sharing ur experience and helping ppl like us out in this situation, ur information has helped in a very crucial situation. Thanks a lot 🙂 🙂 🙂

  26. Dear Prem,

    Very useful article. I have booked my ticket through my mobile app. When I go to the booked ticket history (OLD & Mobile app), I dont find this option available. Any chance I can modify this?


  27. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    With the same credentials log into IRCTC website in mobile browser or PC. then go to booked ticket history. Now you will find the option to modify the boarding point. Please let us know whether is it working.

  28. I have booked a ticket from IRCTC Mobile App. I want to change the boarding point now, so how can i do that now ??

  29. Very Informative for Railway Passenger 🙂 Feeling good when IRCTC technology upgrades (i.e) Instead of standing in Queue on railway counter, this change boarding point option was more helpful and saved my time 🙂

  30. I have reserved train ticket via mobile app. I can’t find the option to change boarding station in IRCTC Mobile app. Could you please help me to modify boarding point in Mobile app?

  31. Hi, Can you please tell me if the boarding point can be the earlier station.
    Example: Train starts from Mumbai-CST to Pune. The boarding point booked was Kalyan, can I change it to CST, which is the first station and before the boarding station?

  32. Thanks a ton bro !
    I changed my boarding point today 27-04-2016 online via IRCTC website. Its working.

    Thanks again!

  33. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    I don’t think its possible to modify boarding point to the earlier station.But I can suggest an idea that you can take open ticket from CST to Kalyan(i.e) Earlier station to the current booked station and you can travel in same coach. If Train TTR ask, you can show the open ticket and the confirmed ticket from Mumbai-CST to Pune.

  34. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Thanks for commenting the Problem. Sure, Soon we will write an article to solve the above issue. As of now, I would advise to login with the same IRCTC credentials on the website and change the boarding point instead of trying with mobile app. It would be good if you try & revert us on the same. This would be really helpful for other and to write the article on the same 🙂 Thanks in advance 🙂

  35. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    We think IRCTC doesn’t have any option for changing the boarding point in IRCTC Mobile app. As of now, I would advise to login with the same IRCTC credentials on the website and change the boarding point instead of trying with mobile app. It would be good if you try & revert us on the same. This would be really helpful for other and to write the article on the same ? Thanks in advance ?

  36. Venkata Krishna

    We have booked tickets for 5 members from secunderabad to tirupathi. Now can I change boarding point for only 2 persons as Kazipet instead of seunderabad, so that 3 members board at secunderabad and 2 members at kazipet.
    Please Reply at the earliest.

  37. Awesum bhai……thanks alot for ur i think i can change the boarding point easily…hatts of to u!!!!!

  38. Your Post helped me a lot to change my boarding station online without visiting any nearest railway station i am Happy for it,
    Thanks Again for sharing it. Good Job Prem 🙂

  39. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    We don’t think IRCTC Provides an option for changing boarding to particular passengers tickets. But i have an idea for you guys. If you have booked all tickets together in a single ticket. Then the person who boards at secunderabad should have ticket with identity proof. so that he can show to the TTE and say that the other person went to next compartment, so that they board at the coming station. Make sure TTE know about it else he will give the train ticket to some one 🙂

  40. konkana adak

    I want to book the ticket from DIGHA to HOWRAH but accidentally booked opposite. is there any possibility to change the route?

  41. Ramachandran B

    As per the directions, changed the boarding point. This works fine. Thanks for sharing such nice info.

  42. I have to change the boarding point now as train will departure after 6 hr from now. Can some one help it is urgent ?

  43. Train will depart from Bikaner, Rajasthan and we have to board from Nagaur (NGO) because of some problem we are unable to reach Bikaner before Trains departure. The time remains is only 6 hr. to depart the train. Please some one help its urgent. Two Senior citizen are traveling whose are not able to walk properly. please help me.

  44. I booked train from one boarding point , am planning to get the train the next nearest boarding point. whether it is mandatory to change the boarding point ?

  45. Thank you very Much. U have solved my problem of Boarding change. Thanks once again for the proper guidance 🙂

  46. Wow. The pictorial guidance about change of boarding point is fabulous. Thanks for sharing.

  47. I’ve booked my ticket through IRCTC mobile app and i want to change my boarding point, I tried to login in IRCTC web site but still there was no option for changing the boarding station.It shows “No record found”. Then what should be do now Please help me

  48. Pradeep Kumar

    I am unable to change the boarding station, as I have registered with IRCTC old version. That version not able to get the particular window (boarding change). Can you provide us for boarding station change in the old version of IRCTC ??


  50. Hi,

    I have a RAC ticket booked through IRCTC, Kalka to Howrah(Kalka Mail). Now can I change the boarding point (instead of Kalka, board from Chandigarh), does it affect the reservation status anyway?

    In kalka mail few coaches are starting from Chandigarh, When Kalka mail reaches chandigarh these coaches get attached to it, If I change the boarding point can I have those coaches from Chandigarh?


  51. Thanks for sharing it. I forgot my station of boarding through booked train ticket history option.And changed to new boarding railway station.

  52. I came to know the Boarding Point change option through this informative article. Thanks for sharing it.

  53. Are there any charges to change boarding point? If so how many times it can be changed?

  54. If the ticket is booked through mobile, I am unable to change the boarding station even through website even if the credentials used are same. Please help me to modify it?

  55. The solution you gave is applicable only for the train ticket booked online through IRCTC website, but not for train tickets booked on mobile app. In that case how we can change boarding point ?

  56. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    There are no charges to modify boarding point online. As far as, we have tried only once to change the boarding point after train booking. I think only one time it’s possible because boarding point can be changed after station (i.e) You can’t change to before railway station. so once you changed it will be will your current source point.

  57. Praveen Kumar Sinha

    I booked my ticket from station window (i.e) Railway reservation station Counter. Now I would like to change my boarding from LTT to Nasik.

  58. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    If you have booked the train ticket at railway station counter. You need to change that at railway reservation counter only. Check out the section of
    “Modify the boarding Station ticket Counters” in the same article.

  59. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    No you don’t have such option for changing the train route after booking tickets.

  60. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    If it is a nearest station then you can manage it else it would be better to change boarding point.

  61. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Follow the above steps & procedures to change boarding point immediately.Let us know if you face any issues.

  62. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    You can redirect to new IRCTC website and you can go to ticket booking history option to change boarding point.

  63. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    You can do that in online. Follow the above steps to change boarding station online.

  64. For changing boarding points for E-tickets is possible through online. But in every case the boarding point cannot be changed till the entire trip route. I hope some quota system is there. Some one can change boarding stations only if that station available in their station quota limit. (Eg. Train ticket is from mettur dam (MTDM) to chennai egmore (MS). Now for this ticket this ticket the boarding point can be changed up to salem (i.e., Mecheri or omalur). He cannot change the boarding station though online to salem even station ahead. If this to be done then one should go to ticket counter only.

  65. There is possibility to change the boarding station for window ticket OR not ?
    I also wanna know if i booked ticket from GGN(GURGAON) TO JAIPUR and train’s start point is NEW DELHI and i want to change boarding station from GGN to NDLS it is possible or not ?

  66. We change boarding station for e ticket but I booked train ticket from mobile app, and I want to change boarding station now please help me

  67. It allows to select only a boarding point which is subsequent to your earlier boarding point 🙁

  68. I am unable to change the boarding station using the IRCTC website for the tickets that I have booked through the app. Can you please provide a solution to modify boarding point?

  69. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    When you change the boarding station your seats will not get changed, it will be same. You can change boarding station next to GURGAON not before GURGAON 🙂

  70. Koi meri help kro please….
    Ye boarding station kya hota hai muse malum nhi pad RHA hai koi btao jara vistar se…
    Boarding station me kuch galat hone se kya ho skta hai????

    Me preshan ho gya hu yar….

  71. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Still IRCTC doesn’t provide any option for changing destination Station in Online. But I Personally got an experience on the same. Actually i have booked my destination point as from A to B , but i need to get down at c which is next station of B. So I have asked TTR that i want to change my destination station. He told pay some extra amount for the same then he issued the train ticket. Since my changing destination station was near to booked destination station. But we are not sure about long journey. Check with TTR 🙂

  72. Thanks for information for changing boarding after train ticket booking. A trip to ticket counter and long queue has been saved.

  73. Hello! I booked my ticket from Mysore to Chennai on 5-9-16 thru the App(So my booked history is coming under “Old Booked history” and no option is available for ” Change in boarding point” in that. I want to change my boarding point to Bengaluru from Mysore. Is it possible for me to do the same from a nearby railway station. And is this option available for RAC tickets? since my ticket is RAC only. Please help.

  74. After the change of successful boarding point! what will be the new reservation status, if I booked as RAC-3 at the time of booking. What could be the new one. Whether I will get the confirmation ticket or WL

  75. Initially i have called to Customer care of IRCTC said that there is no option of changing Boarding point
    After reading the above article . I understood there is option for changing boarding point and Now I have changed my boarding point successfully

    Thanks once again….

  76. You all are rock star…
    Thanks for sharing valuable information.. I could change my boarding station.

  77. Hey I booked the train ticket through IRCTC connect app, and know i want to change the boarding point. For this i logged in to the IRCTC website and checked in the Booked Ticket History (New) option, over there my booked ticket is not available. But the train ticket booked is available in Booked Ticket History (Old and App) where i tried to find an option to change the boarding point, but i could not find the same
    So, Can you please help me to modify my boarding point ?

  78. Even though, I could see boarding point option. It doesn’t show up after 9 PM. Is there is any timings to change boarding station.

  79. Hi ,

    I have booked a ticket from Mumbai considering the availability of seats in tatkal, but my boarding station is Pune. We can change boarding point 24 hours before the train starts. But my train will start at 8am tomorrow and it is showing we cannot change the boarding point. What is the solution for this?

    Will TT allocate my ticket to someone else in meanwhile? I am afraid that I can’t reach Mumbai soon to board the train from there..

  80. I have booked ticket through app now I would like to change boarding point. I visited web portal but still I could not able to change boarding point. Please help me to resolve the issue.

  81. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    You are welcome 🙂 You have told that you have contacted the customer care number. Can we know to which number you have contacted for the same. so that we can share it with other people regarding the customer of IRCTC. Thanks in advance for your reply.

  82. I couldn’t see any boarding station Change options on Booking History. Please let me know how to change boarding point in Online. I have booked two train ticket from DLI to MXN and now I want to change boarding point from MORADABAD to MXN.

  83. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Only you can do online cancellation for the counter based ticket and you don’t have option for modifying boarding point which took at the railway reservation Counter.

  84. I have booked train ticket though IRCTC android app. Now I want to change boarding point for that train ticket. Is it possible to modify boarding point through app?

  85. Very useful information to change boarding point without standing in long queue. it helped me a lot. Thanks bro

  86. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    There is no timings to change boarding point. You can see boarding point change option all time. Please look into it properly let me know if you still face any issues.

  87. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    If the train ticket is available from that station, then there are chances for your conformation ticket. But from my experience it is very rare to get the train ticket confirmed.

  88. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    If it is saying that we cannot change boarding station then I would recommend you to go to Mumbai to catch the train. So that your seat will not allotted to some other one

  89. I have booked my ticket through IRCTC Mobile app and When i Checked in Website (i.e) In IRCTC Portal. The train ticket booked is not available in the Ticket Booking History(New). It will comes on Ticket History (Old & app). In which I couldn’t find an option to modify boarding point ? So does that mean boarding point can’t be modified for the train tickets booked on app?

  90. Please follow the instructions as per your ticket type:

    For mobile App:
    Please note that boarding point cannot be changed online. Any change in boarding point in e-ticket can be done across any Computerized Reservation Center as per existing Extent Railway rules. Kindly contact the Reservation Supervisor at the nearest Reservation Center at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure of train as per extant Railway rules for the same. The Railway Authorities will take a decision in this regard only after considering the technical and administrative feasibility of changing the boarding point of your ticket. No refund will be permissible for the portion of journey not performed by the passenger.
    Boarding point change which is done at PRS counter will not reflect in IRCTC booking history details.

  91. Can someone confirm if we can change boarding point for some of the passengers in the e-ticket at the reservation counter of the station from where all of them were supposed to board .

  92. Hi , Just for every ones knowledge, you cannot change a Boarding point on Mobile app or ticket booked thru Mobile app. Spoke to the customer care they said we need to take a print of the ticket and get it changed. They will keep the copy as a proof that you have submitted. The boarding point can be changed at any Booking Station.

    Pl understand the difference of ticketing
    Web ticketing in E ticket this can be changed online.

    I am specific to Mobile App booking only. Even if you open the Mobile App booking on web it will not show boarding point change option.

  93. I have booked ticket at railway counter nizamuddin to Chennai and boarding point is Bhopal. Can I change boarding point instead Bhopal to Nizamuddin.

  94. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    No you can’t do it for before station. Only the boarding point can be changed between the confirmed ticket railway stations.

  95. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    I think you can’t change boarding point for specific passengers online. Also i don’t think its possible its in reservation counter. If the option is available its better to enquire the same question in reservation counters. Also please comment us back on the same So that we will update the article which might be helpful for other passengers like you.

  96. I have tried to change boarding point. But after selecting the new b point, there is no change shown in the status. I have also noticed that after selecting the new b point, we are not allowed to the change b point option again.

  97. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Yes Senthil! You are right, you can’t modify the boarding point if you have booked train ticket online. But You can take a print out of the ticket and go to near set railway station counter and you can change the same in offline. For that You need to follow Steps & Procedures to Modify the boarding Station ticket Counters given above.

  98. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    No Amit! You can’t change Boarding station online for ticket booked on IRCTC mobile app. You can do that by going to nearest railway station reservation counter. Make sure you are taking out the print.

  99. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    If you have booked train ticket on Mobile then in IRCTC Portal you don’t have option to modify the boarding point online. Instead of that you need to visit to nearest railway station counter with a print out of train ticket. Only you can change boarding point station offline 🙂

  100. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    You can’t modify boarding point if your train tickets are booked on Mobile app. You must visit nearest reservation counter to modify the boarding point. For that you need to take print out of the train ticket booked on mobile and change it offline.

  101. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Gaurav if you have booked the train ticket through mobile app then your ticket will not be in Ticket Booking history (New) It will be available in Booking History (Old & Mobile app). For those tickets you can’t modify boarding point in online. You must visit near railway station counter to do the same.

  102. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Goutham You can’t Modify boarding point when you book your train ticket in IRCTC Mobile app. In order to modify the boarding point you must visit to the nearest railway reservation counter to do the same with a print out of the ticket.

  103. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Yup ! You are right ! Boarding Point Can’t be changed if the train ticket is booked on Mobile. In order to modify the boarding point in the train ticket you must visit the nearest railway reservation center with a print out of the ticket. In offline they will do it. If you still have doubt please follow the above instruction given on Steps & Procedures to Modify the boarding Station ticket Counters.

  104. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Goyal you can’t change boarding point in online if you have booked your train ticket through mobile. Follow the Steps & Procedures to Modify the boarding Station ticket Counters given above to do the same.

  105. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    In your case , you can’t modify the boarding point online since the ticket was booked on Mobile. Please Follow the instruction given on Steps & Procedures to Modify the boarding Station ticket Counters given above in order to modify the boarding point for your mobile based ticket.

  106. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    If you have booked your ticket through mobile app, you cant Modify the boarding station in Online. You must visit Nearest railway station reservation train ticket counters to change it. Steps will be similar to Steps & Procedures to Modify the boarding Station ticket Counters given below. Hope Now you understood how to change the boarding station for ticket booked on mobile. thanks 🙂

  107. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Boarding Point Can be Changed only between station booked on train ticket. It can’t be done for after destination or before source station. Also if you have booked the train ticket on Mobile , then change boarding point option will not be available in Online. You must Visit nearest railway station center to do the same.

  108. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Yes you are right.Once the B point boarding point is selected You cant change the boarding point again. It will get reflected after few hours on the train ticket. You need to be patient until status gets changed to new boarding point. Please let us know if the boarding point are still not changed. Thanks 🙂

  109. After booking the tickets in IRCTC, is their any ways we can change the destination point in train ?

  110. Anand Bistakanavar

    Sir I have booked my reservation ticket from Hubli to Hyderabad but I want ticket to 2:30 train instead of 5’o clock & my ticket is Waiting List is it possible to do it now.

  111. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    No Destination point can’t be altered. Only boarding Point can be changed. There are two options 1. you can either cancel and book again with correct destination point . 2. If it is near like 2 or three station from the orginal destination point you can board into the same train and ask TTR to extend the destination point. He will do it and you need to pay for the same. But We are not sure whether seat will be available. But you can travel in the same train after paying amount to TTR.

  112. I want to travel from A to C and now I have changed changed the boarding point from A to B, but again from reason i want to revert back the boarding point. Is it possible ?

  113. When try to change Boarding point its displaying below message
    ‘Boarding station has already been changed’.

  114. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    It mean that “Your boarding station has already been Changed by you” in Online.

  115. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Only you can change boarding point online. You can’t change train ticket timings and also the train.

  116. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    Once after changing boarding point, you can’t revert it. so We would suggest you two think to modify boarding point.

  117. Thanks for the information shared about the boarding point changes procedure. It helped me in a big way.

  118. You said that going to via mobile browser let’s us to cancel the tickets in booked ticket history-old. But it shows the same options as viewed in PC. Please let me know the exact options to cancel the tickets in booked ticket history(old&mobile app).

  119. I chose an intermediary boarding point different from the starting station for my online ticket.
    Now can I cancel that intermediary boarding point and travel from starting station?

  120. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    No its not Possible to Change the starting boarding station, since you have booked your train ticket from intermediate station.But you have other option for the mode of train travel with the starting station on the same train. Get a unreserved train ticket and board into train in unreserved coach. Then When intermediate station arrives Please change it yo your normal coach. Please let me know if you still need more info on the same.

  121. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    You can alter the train ticket(m-ticket) booked on the mobile app only through Mobile app.

  122. By Mistake, I have changed the boarding point in Online. Now again I want to modify boarding point. When i try do it, it says boarding point can be changed only once. Please let me know how to alter the boarding point.

  123. I have booked e-tickets for my wife (a senior citizen) and my sister on Jammu Tawi – Pune Jhelum Express and at the time booking for the first time itself I opted for them to board the train at Khanna since confirmed tickets were available for Journey from Jammu to Pune and there was a wait-list by the same train and date if I booked from Khanna to Pune. THIS WAS DONE DURING THE FIRST BOOKING. But the train arrives at Khanna early morning at 4 a.m. and to go to the Railway Station they would have to leave their residing place in Khanna at around 2 a.m. This was very risky for two ladies travelling alone. So I booked separate tickets from Khanna (around 8.30 p.m. depature) to New Delhi / Nizammuddin (4.30 a.m. arrival) for journey a night earlier and requested the irctc people to change the boarding point (WHICH IS ALLOWED ONLY ONCE) from Khanna to New Delhi by the same train since it was a comfortable 9.55 a.m time to catch this same Jhelum Express. Mind you I paid extra to make the journey safe for my wife and sister. But the irctc officials are refusing to change the boarding point saying it is allowed only once – and I have not changed the boarding point after
    THE FIRST BOOKING even once. I even sent a mail to the Railways Minsiter stating that PM Modi talks about safety and special concessions for women – so why am I not being allowed to make the journey safe for 2 ladies and even paying (rather have already paid) extra. The berths would be vacant for anyone wishing to travel from Jammu to New Delhi and the Railways would earn for it definitely. So why not heed to a genuine request. Till the writing of this letter, I have not received any reply or feelers from the Railway Minister’s office. Could you please give alternative on how to change this boarding station since the matter is very delicate. I would be grateful if you give something concrete to go by.

    I have a waitlisted ticket – and I find that in Tatkal there is availability. Can I get this waitlisted ticket confirmed by paying only the Tatkal Charges?

  124. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    No You can Change boarding point only once after train ticket booking in Online. To do it again you need to go the nearest railway reservation counters and you can do in offline.

  125. I have booked Kashi from Vijayawada for 5 persons in one ticket. so, can i change the boarding point for two persons in online from Vijayawada to Warangal? is it possible? Please suggest me. If not, Can i go to nearest railway reservation Counter and modify boarding Point.

  126. Prem krishnan Palanisamy

    No Anil. There is no option for changing boarding point for particular persons when it is booked under one ticket. You may either change boarding point for everyone else you need to ask the particular person to the original boarding point that has booked on the ticket.For this scenario, We are not that you can modify boarding station in reservation counters too. We would recommend you to enquire at station counters before two of Journey. My Personal suggestion would like when people boarding from the unmodified boarding station ask them to show their original and verify the tickets and say like they went for other coach to meet their relatives. I hope this can solve the problem.

  127. Hello sir my brother has booked a ticket from Bangalore to Pune train no. 11089 date 12/12/17 And I have chosen to board from Ahmedabad. Now his schedule is going to change and I want to change his boarding to Baroda. And I have tried to change boarding in IRCTC but they give me msg “Already change your boarding”

    Please help me.

  128. I have booked a ticket for 5 passengers from Bangalore(me, wife, son and fried, friend wife)) and the ticket is confirmed. Now I want to change the boarding point to Gooty for 3 passengers (me, wife, son) as the ticket is booked with my name. Is it possible to change? As I have 5 days to start the journey.

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