What’s is CKWL in Railway Reservation? CKWL Means ? Full form of CKWL ? Whether CKWL railway ticket will get confirmed ? How about the chance of confirmation of CKWL in IRCTC? CKWL Meaning in IRCTC ? Do you want to know the answers for the above questions in IRCTC ? Confused with the terminology used by Indian railways? Here is an ultimate guide information for indian people to know the CKWL exact meaning & waiting list type information on the terminology that is used in IRCTC
CKWL- Tatkal Waiting List Meaning :
More passengers started to book train tickets & started to travel by train frequently in India. There will be some fixed number of tickets for reservation before 3 months, So people who ever missed to booked to their tickets they will book the “Tatkal Ticket”. Just like an urgency ticket. Tatkal ticket will get normally opened before a day. If you are going to book tatkal ticket, read the article Tatkal Fast Booking tips . It was written based on my experience. We are sure that your tatkal ticket will not be wait listed (CKWL), it’s a 100 % working trick for booking Tatkal Ticket.

Checkout : Before cancelling the CKWL ticket checkout the CKWL Cancellation charges in IRCTC .
What is Waiting List in IRCTC?
Waiting List tickets are like Waiting for the ticket to be confirmed. (i.e.) If a person cancel their confirmed ticket, automatically the first priority member in the waiting list gets confirmed. There are different type of waiting list in IRCTC. If interested you can refer our previous article on short description & Meaning types of Waiting list in IRCTC.
CKWL is a kind of Waiting list in IRCTC. The Acronym CKWL Stands for Tatkal Waiting List. This quota for all type of train passengers who live in major cities and metros. CKWL waiting list is like the normal waiting list, but this type of waiting list are seen while you book your tatkal tickets. (i.e.) For tatkal tickets , the waiting list issued as CKWL instead of GNWL.
Do you know why it is name as CKWL in IRCTC but not TKWL because CKWL was originally coined from the CK. CK is the code name for Tatkal Quota in Indian Railway reservation system. That’s y it was coined as CKWL
Also when the CKWL ticket goes up automatically it directs to confirmed , it will not into the slot of RAC as like GNWL. But Please do keep in mind that during Chart Preparation the general waiting list (GNWL) is preferred over CKWL. The Confirmation chances for CKWL Tickets is depends on the day (i.e.) If it is festival day or weekend the tickets won’t get canceled everybody will be moving towards native or return from native. If it weekdays there are Chance of Conformation if your CKWL slot is less than 5.
Note : The status of ticket can be checked using the 10 – digit PNR number on any railway station or online sets.
Comment us your train number & the CKWL status we will revert you back in a day whether your tickets will be confirmed or not. if you are frequent traveler , feel free to post more information about the experience of CKWL ticket which would be really helpful for the passengers. Thanks in advance.
Train Number : 22633
Current status : Ckwl 3
Will there be any confirmation chances?
I am vijay my tatkal train ticket was waiting list.Current status is CKWL2. whether will my CKWL ticket get confirm?
CKWL Train ticket got confirmed 🙂 Your Chance of Prediction Works Thanks for helping me 🙂
Hi my train no is 12829 and current booking status of CKWL is 3. PNR Number is 4633019828. any chance of confirmation for CKWL train ticket ?
Train Number : 12024 CKWL status: 31 CAN I TRAVEL with the CKWL Ticket?
CKWL are Tatkal waiting list ticket. 95 % CKWL train ticket will not get confirmed. So its better to arrange for some other alternative.
Less confirmation chances since it is a CKWL train ticket.
It is very difficult for CKWL train tickets to be confirmed. so better search for some other alternative.
No you should travel with CKWL train ticket. if CKWL train ticket is not confirmed as like other waiting list it will be auto cancelled. If you are still travelling with CKWL train ticket then it will be treated as without train ticket. So make your ticket gets confirmed before boarding into train.
Train No 12297
PNR 8150181527
Sure Your CKWL train ticket will not get Confirmed train ticket. Try for some other alternatives.
Train Number : 17229/Sabari Express
PNR Number : 4742639319
CKWL : 11 Is there any chance for the Tatkal train Ticket will get confirmed?
PNR: 4322698424
Train Number: 16724
CKWL 29, 28
What about my CKWL train ticket confirmation Chances?
Train Number 12430 CKWL Status 4
Will my CKWL train ticket get confirm ?
CKWL confirmations are very rare ! Better try for some alternative ways your ticket will get auto refunded.
Your CKWL train ticket Confirmation chances are very less.
Confirmation chances for CKWL 4 are very less.
Train No : 12244
Waiting list Status: CKWL 10
Is there any chance of ticket getting confirmed ?
Do I want to cancel train ticket manually or the waiting list train ticket get auto cancelled ?
TRAIN NO: 22641
CKWL Status : 2
Will my ticket get confirmed ?
Date of Journey : 31st August
Train Number/Name : Prashanti Express/18463
Booked CKWL Status : 15
Current CKWL status : 11 (After 1 hour)
Is there any chance of confirmation for CKWL train ticket?
Train No : 12679
PNR No: 4323317408
CKWL Status: 37
How about my confirmation chances for above CKWL PNR Number?
Train No:12025
CKWL status : 12
will CKWL get confirm?
Train Number : 12631
Current status : CKWL 83
Will there be any confirmation chances?
Train number 12963
Current CKWL Status is 89 . Tomorrow is journey day.
Will CKWL train ticket get confirm?
CKWL5 & Train Number 19024. How about CKWL confirmation ?
PNR NO : 4843588226
CKWL Status : 1
Any chance of confirmation for this CKWL train ticket ?
Booked an Tatkal ticket online for 3 members and got CNF against two but one is still showing CKWL/55.
Journey date is tomorrow.
Train Number : 12785
Day of Travel : Sunday
CKWL Status Number : 74
Please tell me Whether my CKWL train ticket will get Confirmed ? It’s urgent. Thanks.
How about the Confirmation chances for CKWL 7 Train ticket.
PNR Number: 4636931115
CKWL Status : 3
Will the above CKWL Status train ticket will get confirmed?
Will the below CKWL train ticket will get confirmed ?
PNR Number : 4224117921
CLWL Status : 18
I have booked a Tatkal ticket in Guruvayor express. But my ticket status is CKWL-5.
But still 25 seats are available, from the next station (TRIVANDRUM) of my boarding point.
If I will change my boarding point as TRIVANDRUM, then will ticket status get change ? If so Is there have any chance to ticket confirmation?
Sorry Anish. From my opinion, I think you will receive the confirm ticket if you have changed boarding point (i.e) Your CLWL ticket waiting list 5 ticket will get confirmed. But We are not sure about this. Please share your experience after you do so that we can share the same to others. Thanks in advance for sharing your experience.
Less Chances CKWL confirmation. Please try out for other options to travel.
Ashwini, Your CKWL status 3 have less Chances for confirmation.
CKWL confirmation are usually tough to get confirm. It also depends on date and day of travel. In your Case it got less chances.
Deepa Probability Chances are very low. You will not get confirmed ticket. Try for some other alternatives.
The Tatkal ticket which ever in CKWL is not yet confirmed. The other two tickets is confirmed and that two person can travel with the same. The CKWL person cant travel with the CKWL waiting list ticket.
50-50 Confirmation Chances you just need to Wait and Check.
No Less Number of chances for CKWL confirmation.
No Your CKWL tickets will not confirmed. Try for some other options.
Train Number is 16352
And RLWL Status are 9, 10, 11
PNR Number: 4844067035
How about my confirmation chances for above PNR Number RLWL train ticket.
How and when will I come to know that the ticket is booked?
if it is not booked, will they return the money?
Less Confrimation Chances. We would recommend you to cancel the train ticket and look out for other options to travel
CKWL Status – 26. What about the cancellation Process ?
If your CKWL train ticket is not confirmed, then it will get auto cancelled. You no need worry of it.
CKWL status confirmation will be rare since it is a tatkal booking the confirmation of CKWL train ticket are rare. It got decreased because any people in CKWL queue from 6 to 15 might cancelled their tickets. That’s the reason your CKWL status got changed. Thanks.
If CKWL is not confirmed then CKWL will get auto cancelled.
CKWL Confirmation Chances are less since the status of train ticket is 12
Less Probability for confirmation Subha.
There are Chances Siddhartha ! IF people cancel at last minute then you ticket will get confirmed. So I request not to cancel your CKWL train ticket manually.
If your tatkal ticket is booked then it will not have the status as CKWL. CKWL means it’s in tatkal waiting list. you need to check with PNR number to Confirm whether it has moved from waiting list to Confirmed (i.e) Booking status from CKWL to Current status CNF . If it is not booked then the tatkal ticket (i.e) CKWL ticket will get auto cancelled and refund will be processed to your bank account in 2 -4 days.
TRAIN NO- 12801
Try for some other alternatives. Your CKWL train ticket will not get confirmed.
Less chances for CKWL Confirmation.
What is CKWL means?
PNR NO-4536757089
CKWL Waiting list Status : 6
Do this ticket have Confirmation Chances ?
Please Reply
No Your CKWL status 6 will not get confirmed at the max it will get decrease to CKWL 2/1 but its not possible to get confirmed.
Train No.: 12722
DOJ : 07-Oct-2016
Very low confirmation chances since it’s a weekend.
CKWL is assigned to Tatkal tickets. Here, CK is the code for Tatkal. There’s no real full form present.
I have booked a ticket for Tomorrow, the status of ticket is CKWL2 in second class. Will the amount be refunded if its not confirmed? If it is confirmed – By when will we know?
Train no : 12671
DOJ : 6/10/2016
PNR : 4536794075
CKWL : 19
Will this get confirmed ??
e-ticket for 2 Passenger ONE CONFIRM AND CKWL 1 in 3A HW-JSM? What is the chance of getting confirm ? Shall I be able to travel with this ticket?
Train no: 12632
DOJ: 13-10-2016
CKWL status are 89,90,91,92
whether train seat confirmation is possible ?
Your CKWL chance of Confirmation are very low. Better try for some other alternatives.
What is refund process of CKWL. I heard like if the tatkal ticket is not confirmed then automatic full refund will be process is it true?
No refund will be granted on cancellation of confirmed Tatkal tickets. For contingent cancellation and wait-listed Tatkal ticket cancellations, charges will be deducted as per existing Railway rules. Partial cancellation of Tatkal e-tickets is allowed. For more Information you can checkout Tatkal cancellation charges – Updated
I have a CKWL 24 ticket with me for 15th October. Please let me know whether this will be confirmed.
Tried to book a tatkal ticket and got ckwl 31. will I get my money back if the tickets are not confirmed? When should I cancel the tickets?
Hi ,
Train number:12733
CKWL status: 4
DOJ: 14-10-2016
CKWL Status 1,2 Train No:12838
DOJ: 15th October
How about my CKWL Chance of Confirmation?
TRAIN NO. 12805
JOURNEY DATE.15/10/2016
Wonderful and very informative . CKWL has threadbare explanation of the railway terminology. Thanks.
Even though your CKWL train ticket status is 1. It is very risky to get confirmed train ticket.
Train No.: 11088
DOJ : 20-Oct-2016
Is there is any confirmation Chances for CKWL 1 train ticket ?
My Tatkal Status is CKWL 40 in HWH EXPRESS. If its not confirmed What is the cancellation process for CKWL tickets???
Train No: 18029
Journey date 20-oct-216
CKWL Status Number : 3
Will CKWL 3 ticket get confirm?
I m having CKWL 4 in train Number 18406 Can it will be confirmed tomorrow 10 pm ? My PNR Number is 8152395078.
Train No.-12988
CKWL Status: 8 & 9
Journey Date- 27/10/2016
Train Number 17318 CKWL status 4/5
will this train ticket get confirmed?
Your CKWL Status of the train ticket Confirmation chances are very low.
Your Confirmation Chances for CKWL status 8 & 9 are less. Try for some other alternatives.
Your CKWL status of the ticket will not get confirmed.
My train no is: 19565, DOJ 28 oct, CKWL 1,CKWL 2
What are the chances of its confirmation.
Train Number 19715 CKWL/35
Will this train ticket get confirmed?
Your CKWL will not get confirmed because from tomorrow Diwali holiday starts. So better you can try for other alternatives.
Your CKWL Ticket will not confirmed since the status of the CKWL ticket is 35. Go for some other option to travel.
No Your CKWL will not get confirmed. Please try for other options.
You can check out the Waiting list Cancellation Guide. Before you do we also recommend you to read the Cancellation charges for Tatkal waiting list ticket
Chance of Confirmation for your CKWL ticket is 50-50.
Your CKWL 3 Train ticket will not get confirmed. Please look into some other alternatives.
CKWL 1,2 Train ticket Confirmation Chance are very less.
CKWL 4 train ticket will not get confirmed. Try for other options to travel.
No 100% sure Your CKWL will not get confirmed. Try for other options
Yup don’t cancel your CKWL train ticket. It will get auto cancelled and your amount will be refunded automatically to your bank account. If you wish you can also Check out Tatkal Cancellation Charges
Confirmed ticket can be traveled in Train, but if you are travelling with waiting list ticket then it will be considered as without train ticket. The CKWL status of Confirmation Chances are high , so you no need to worry unnneccssarly.
CKWL Waiting list Number is 19 so your CKWL confirmation Chances are very low.
Chandar Your Confirmation Chances are higher and you will know the CKWL confirmation status once the chart is prepared for the train.
Train No:12402
CKWL status : 90
will CKWL get confirm?
100 % Sure your CKWL ticket will not get Confirmed. Try for Other alternatives.
Train no – 12398 / MAHABODHI EXP
Class Sleeper
will CKWL get confirm?
No Your CKWL ticket will not get Confirmed. Please try for Other alternatives.
Train no : 17016,
Will this confirmed ?
Train : 14011 , 28-Oct,2016.
CKWL 65 , WL 39
Sleeper Class
How much will i get money back if train ticket is not confirmed ?
Train No – 16315
PNR – 4325153928
Age Booking Status Current Status
32 CKWL/26 CKWL/14
28 CKWL/27 CKWL/15
Please confirm whether my ticket will be confirmed
No Your CKWL 20 will not get Confirmed. Please try for other options to travel.
Your CKWL train ticket above will not get confirmed. Please look for other mode of options to travel.
Please Check Out the Waiting list Cancellation Charges over here
PNR No 8540055255. Please tell my CKWL status. Will it get confirmed?
Train no. 12155
PNR: 8352809395
DOJ: 4/11/2016
CKWL Status 1
Will it be confirmed?? Please reply….
PNR NO. 8352802373 3AC
Train No.12797
PNR.2705214513 – 2A from Bareilly to Delhi..how much chances of confirmation as my CKWL is 2 & 3 for travel on 6th Nov.’2016 (Chhat Pooja Rush is also there, Pls advice.
CKWL status 42. Is there any chance of confirmation?
DOJ: 09/11/2016
835-2976219 (E – TICKET) NGP to Mumbai. Will this be confirmed?
Train no 12401
Train Name : Magadh Exp
PNR No : 6558356252
From BXR to NDLS
Current Status CKWL 03 and CKWL 04.
DOB 11.11.2016 CL- 3AC.
Pls tell me chance of confirmation.
Train No –17488
PNR – 6258487945
From Vskp to tpty
Will My CKWL Ticket will get confirmed ?
3AC CKWL Status 9 Ticket is very difficult to get Confirm.
CKWL 2 Confirmation Chances will be less.
Your CKWL train ticket will get confirmed. Cool ! Happy Journey 🙂
No Your CKWL 42 will not get confirmed. Please try for other mode of transport to travel.
Train No –12625
PNR – 442-5903911
CKWL-10, 11 SL
From CBE to tpty
Date of journey 18-11-2016
Will My CKWL Ticket will get confirmed ?
I have a ticket of 3 AC and it is CKWL/2
so are there chances for its confirmation?
My PNR is 8409351920
It’s Showing CKWl/5
Should I travel with this CKWL/5 ?
Hi my train no is 12980 and current booking status of CKWL is 9 and date of journey is 5/12/16. Any chance of confirmation for CKWL train ticket ?
Your CKWL Confirmation will be less.
You Should travel with train ticket CKWL 5 status. When the Chart is prepared your CKWL train ticket will get auto cancelled if it is in tatkal waiting list (i.e) CKWL. Only if your CKWL ticket get confirmed you need to travel on the train.
Confirmation for the 3 AC tatkal ticket are very rare.So please try out for other options.
Your CKWL sleeper class train tickets will not get confirmed. Please try out for other Options.
Less Chance for your Confirmation of CKWL 1 train ticket.
Very difficult to get your CKWL 7 for 3AC to get confirmed.
Confirmation Chances are 50-50. Please wait until chart preparation of the train.
Hi my train no is 16273 and current booking status of CKWL is 1 and date of journey is 13/01/17. Any chance of confirmation for CKWL train ticket ?
Train Number 12785 : we booked in Tatkal Quota. Tatkal Waiting ticket status : CKWL 22 and 23. How about confirmation chances for this CKWL ticket.
Your CKWL Confirmation changes for Very less. I would recommend you look for other options for train travel.
Train Number 12225
CKWL Status : 1
Date of Journey : 13 March 2017
Any chance of getting confirmation ?
My CKWL Status is 2 in Mangalore express from thane to Madgaon. Date of Journey 17/04/2017. What are the chances of confirmation?
Train No is 12023. Current booking status of CKWL is 32,33,34 .Date of journey is 18/04/17 .
Is there is any chance of confirmation for CKWL train ticket ?
Additional details for the CKWL Ticket: PNR Number – 8158362258
Your CKWL will not get confirmed. Try for other mode of travel.
It’s very difficult for your CKWL train ticket to get Confirmed. Try for other Options.