Diwali Special trains 2015 has been announced today. Diwali special train reservation starts today. I am ready to book my Diwali special train ticket in Online to my native Coimbatore. Diwali Special train for Southern India. Find special train for Deepavali 2015 details & details like train timings, train date, routes & stoppages & reservation details.
Diwali Special Trains B/W Chennai & Coimbatore:
Special trains between Chennai Egmore – Coimbatore Junction (via. Villupuram, Vridhachalam, Salem)
Train No.06111 Chennai Egmore – Coimbatore Junction. special train will leave Chennai Egmore at 10.15 hrs. on 09.11.2015 and reach Coimbatore Jn. at 21.00 hrs. the same day.
Train No.06112 Coimbatore Jn. – Chennai Egmore special train will leave Coimbatore Jn. 05.30 hrs. on 11.11.2015 and reach Chennai Egmore at 16.15 hrs. the same day.

Composition: AC 3-tier – 1, Sleeper Class – 5, General Second Class – 8 & Luggage-cum-brake van – 2 coaches.
Stoppages: Tambaram, Chengalpattu, Melmaruvathur, Tindivanam, Villupuram, Vridhachalam, Chinna Salem, Attur, Salem Town, Salem Jn. Sankaridurg, Erode, Uttukuli, Tiruppur and Coimbatore North.
Train No.06112 Coimbatore Jn.– Chennai Egmore special train will stop at Mambalam also.