IRCTC railway train ticket cancellation charges are revised from November 12th 2015. So if you cancel the train ticket from tomorrow (i.e.) 12-11-2015 the new refund & cancellation rules will be applied. We are going to write in detail about the cancellation charges for each class separately and will be published in upcoming post. But before writing individually, I want to summarize all the cancellation charges for train ticket together in a single article.
IRCTC Cancellation Charges for Train Tickets:
Railway ticket Cancellation charges will be charged only when you cancel the railway train ticket. Some People want to cancel confirmed train ticket. They want to cancel the confirmed railway ticket due to unavoidable situations. Another type of cancellation is normal manual cancellation they know that their train tickets will not get confirmed. Also few leave it as such the tickets will get auto cancelled automatically.

When train tickets are cancelled, are you worried about the cancellation charges? Yes we should definitely worry about the cancellation amount and the refund info because amount of refund (i.e.) cancellation charges are increased. Indian railway has doubled the cancellation charges Online.
Please find the IRCTC cancellation charges & refund details with the below table
(INDIAN RAILWAY) Cancellation Charges & Refund Rules (12-11-2015) | ||
Nature of the Train Ticket | Time limit for Cancellation of Train Ticket | Cancellation Charges Per Passenger |
Untraveled Unreserved Ticket | Within 03 hrs of issue of Tickets | Rs. 30 |
Untraveled Unreserved Ticket in Advance | To be Presented up to 24:00 hrs of the day preceding the day of the journey | Rs. 30 |
Untraveled Reserved Tickets | More than 48 hrs in advance before schedule departure of the train | AC I/Executive Class – Rs.240 AC II/First Class – Rs. 200 AC 3rd / 3 Economy – Rs 180AC Chair car – Rs.180 Sleeper Class – Rs. 120 Second Class – Rs. 60 |
Untraveled Reserved Tickets | Between 48 hrs & up to 12 hrs before the schedule departure of train | 25 % of the fare subject to minimum refunded |
Untraveled Reserved Tickets | Within 12 hrs before the schedule departure of train & up to 4 hrs before the schedule departure of train | 50 % of the fare subject to minimum refunded |
Partial confirmed Tickets | Up to 30 min before the schedule departure of train | Rs. 60 |
Untraveled Waitlisted/RAC Tickets | Up to 30 min before the schedule departure of train | Rs. 60 |
Partially used reserved tickets for Rajdhani /Shatabdi Trains | NIL | No Refund ,since the break of journey is not allowed on these trains |
Tatkal Train Ticket Cancellation charges |
Other Cancellation Rules :
- No refund shall be granted on the reserved tickets. If it is surrender for cancellation less than 04 hrs before the schedule departure of train
- No refund of fare shall be granted for RAC/Waiting list tickets after less than 30 minutes before schedule departure of train.
For both of cancellation which are listed above Night train between 21:00 & 6:00 hrs, shall get refund within 02 hrs after opening PRS counter in case no current counter available
Comment us if you have any clarifications on Railway train ticket cancellation charges & refund in IRCTC. We will revert as soon as possible
Can you Please help me?
Please find the ticket cancellation charges for 3 AC on “2 AC & 3 AC Cancellation Charges” Please let us know if you still not clear about the same. Thanks
What will be IRCTC cancellation Charges for waiting list tickets ?
Please Check out the Waiting list cancellation Charges for normal & tatkal train tickets here