Sarathi Seva free train ticket is introduced for physically challenged people. Konkan Railways has announced a new passenger facility exclusively for Physically challenged people. This scheme provides helping hands for the handicapped peoples. Want to get for free train for physically challenged family member then follow the below steps given below.
Sarathi Seva Facility – Physically challenged Free Train Ticket
Are you one among the physically challenged people? Do you got any blood relative who are physically challenged? If so, there is interesting & happy news for us. Kankan Railways has announced free train ticket for physically challenged people.

Note: This facility available only on konkan railways. There is no payment required to get this facility. This is absolutely free of cost service
Want to avail the Sarathi Seva Facility in Konkan Train? Check out the steps below to do the same
How to get Sarathi Seva Facility Free ticket? – In order to get the free ticket for physically challenged people under Sarathi Seva, you need to SMS the name & the journey details to the Mobile No 9664044456.
Free Ticket for physically challenged available at Chiplun, Ratnagiri, Karmali, Madgaon and Udupi railway stations.
As per the latest announcement by the konkan railways, 175 passengers already using this facility
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