What’s is RAC in Railway Reservation? RAC Means ? Full form of RAC ? Whether RAC railway ticket is confirm ticket ? Can we travel train with RAC ticket? RAC Meaning in IRCTC ? Do you want to know the answers for the above questions in IRCTC ? Confused with the terminology used by Indian railways? Here is an ultimate guide information for indian people to know the RAC exact meaning information on the terminology that is used in IRCTC
Reservation Again Cancellation (RAC) Meaning :
Passengers started to book their train tickets in Railway station counters & online. After the fixed number of tickets is booked in the train, the RAC tickets will get opened. The IRCTC will have 90 additional seats in RAC as side lower berth. These side lower berths are allotted to RAC tickets where two share each other (i.e.) Two RAC can share one Side lower berth seat where can sleep and sit together.

Check out : Before Cancelling the train ticket checkout the RAC cancellation charges in IRCTC.
What is Waiting List in IRCTC?
Waiting List tickets are like Waiting for the ticket to be confirmed. (i.e.) If a person cancel their confirmed ticket, automatically the first priority member in the waiting list gets confirmed. There are different type of waiting list in IRCTC. If interested you can refer our previous article on short description & Meaning types of Waiting list in IRCTC.
RAC is a kind type of confirmation ticket in IRCTC. The Acronym RAC Stands for Reservation Against Cancellation. This quota for all type of train passengers who live in major cities and metros. RAC is a type of confirmation ticket given to train passengers, it just ensures you ticket is confirmed and can travel in train, but it doesn’t guarantee a train berth. (i.e.) For RAC Ticket, a berth will be allocated the persons (i.e.) A berth for two persons. It is split into 2 seats for 2 RAC train ticket holders. All the RAC seats are side lower seats because only side lower seat got 2 split up’s.
When RAC tickets will be sold?
If all the fixed number of tickets is booked in the train, then it will start booking into RAC automatically (i.e.) The Train tickets are marked as RAC. Even I had an experience of traveling RAC with My DAD 🙂
RAC Confirmation Chances:
RAC is already a confirmed ticket to travel in train. Only thing is like you need to accompany with the other person in a berth. If there is any last minute cancellation or if any quota allocation are not sold , at the time the Separate berth will be provided, for the RAC 1 ticket holder. (i.e.) A free upgrade for the confirmed ticket holders. The next RAC 2 & RAC 3 person will share the same berth until the next confirmation cancellation.
Note : The status of ticket can be checked using the 10 – digit PNR number on any railway station or online sets.
Comment us if you have any experience of travelling in train with RAC tickets. You can comment us your RAC ticket number to know your ticket confirmation status.