Tatkal booking timings updated again by IRCTC. Online Tatkal ticket booking time changed for AC & Non AC class Tatkal tickets from June (i.e.) Jun 15 2015. The timings for booking Tatkal tickets is modified for reducing the load on the ticketing websites. Check out the updated time for Tatkal bookings below
Tatkal Booking Timings for AC & Sleeper Classes:
Railways is one most important transport system of India. About 1 % of Indian Population are traveling in trains. Booking confirmed ticket on Indian train is still painful since the train ticket booking starts 4 months before the date of journey. More Number of people did not planned their travel or they don’t have any idea about the travel. So people will more depend on booking Tatkal tickets.

Indian Railway have the system called Tatkal Booking, in which they reserve some train berths for the people. The Un-booked train ticket berths is for the people who have not planned their train tickets before, but they need to pay extra money to reserve the tickets a day prior to the travel date. Booking Tatkal tickets is like a war where you need to fight with other people and book train tickets faster.
Some of excellent tips to book the Tatkal ticket
- Get a high speed Internet.
- Login into IRCTC before 2 min of Ticket
- Set your IRCTC time & Computer time as same. So that you will know the exact time of the ticket opening.
Tatkal ticket booking timings changed/Updated:
The Tatkal booking timings is updated for reducing the load on the ticketing websites. At present the Tatkal ticket booking time opens at 10:00 A.M for all the classes on the previous day of journey.
But now they have changed and dived the Tatkal ticket booking timings into two parts based on the classes (i.e.) Tatkal ticket booking for AC would start from 10 AM to 11 AM. After that Sleeper class & Non AC Tickets starts from 11 AM to 12 noon the sleeper class Tatkal booking starts (i.e.) Non AC Tickets. These Tatkal ticket booking timings are effective from today (i.e.) 15 Jun 2015
Tatkal Ticket Booking Timings in Table:
Tatkal Train Ticket | 1 AC, 2AC, 3AC & AC CC | Sleeper (SL) & Non AC |
Booking Timings | From 10 AM | From 11 AM |
Also another change is all type of ticketing agents including IRCTC agents will now be debarred from booking tickets for 30 minutes from the opening of bookings (i.e.) From 8.00 A.M IST to 8.30 A.M IST for general bookings . From 10.00 A.M to 10.30 A.M for Tatkal AC class train tickets. Finally from 11.00 A.M to 11.30 A.M for Tatkal Non-AC Classes